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Energy Performance certificate- Why it is needed for buildings?

21/05/2015 16:32

The temperature of the earth has been increasing constantly and with the urban heat islands making their way everywhere, the consumption of energy has gone up. Greenhouse gases such as carbon, water vapour, ozone, methane and chlorofluorocarbon are considered as a primary source of greenhouse effect since the industrialization era. It is no secret how the human activities are affecting to the global warming and weather pattern changes. Should we say that the time is not far when we have no answer to all the mess we created while ‘trying to create a better earth’.


Myriad building contributes to the greenhouse gas emission through various sources that include fossil fuels, landfills, Chlorofluorocarbons and waste water treatment plants. On a large scale it’s very necessary to reduce or say control the emission for a healthy- future environment.

Energy performance certificate is availed from a certified company in the business. An EPC is issued with an accompanying report giving simple, cost-effective recommendations for improving energy efficiency, issued to the new buyer or tenant informing regarding the energy performance of the building, to aid him to make decision. EPC considers what a new building has to offer on the same criteria.

An energy performance certificate made available from time to time will not only provide an insight on the current energy efficiency of the building but also would encourage the residents to cut down their energy consumption to reach a comfortable level.

One of the leading companies in Surrey, formed in the early days of EPC regime that also provides both the EPC and energy efficiency consultation agrees, that little efforts by one and all can contribute to an energy efficient building.

The Surrey energy management considers the following

  • Use energy efficient electrical appliances- less energy more saving
  • Efficient waste water treatment- recycle as much as you can
  • Less solid waste to the landfill-less waste means less methane produced.
  • Timely services to all electronics items- e.g. A.C, refrigerator, reduces CFC emission

Let us create a better place for ourselves and future generation by promoting sustainable development. Saving energy is just the beginning towards a ‘cooler’ earth.



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